Monday, January 21, 2013

6 Months

Nathan turned 6 months on Saturday! (Sorry I'm 2 days late!) I truly can't believe that he is half way to a being a year old. Oh my goodness. Seriously, where has the time gone??

Nathan, here is what you have been up to this month:

  • You still nurse about every 3 hours.
  • You eat cereal mixed with fruit every night. 
  • You love banana baby food! You will eat peaches and pears but I think your favorite is banana. Mommy even gives you a tiny bit of her real banana.
  • You wear 6-9 month clothing.
  • You wear a size 3 diaper.
  • You tried Mum-mums for the first time and love them!
  • You are such a good sleeper for the most part. You sleep about 12 hours every night but wake up several times during the night wanting your paci.
  • Some days you are a good napper but some days not so much.
  • You love playing in your exersaucer.

  • You are truly such a happy baby. You love to "talk" and squeal.
  • You can now say na-na and da-da.
  • You absolutely love your dog, CeCe. You are constantly looking for her and wanting to pet her. 
  • You reach and grab for anything you can get your hands on. I am constantly pulling my hair and earrings out of your fists.

  • You can now sit up all by yourself. You may fall over every once in awhile but it doesn't seem to phase you. As your daddy says, "You are a boy so you are tough!"
  • You love to sit on the floor and play with all your toys.
  • You experienced your first Christmas this month and received so many new toys and were loved on by so many people.
  • You also got to go to Grandmother and Granddad's house for the first time. You had such a great time. We can't wait to take you again soon. 
  • I love watching your little personality develop. 
  • You are a little shy when people talk to you. You always put your head down then slowly look up to make sure they are still there. But you always warm up to them quickly.
  • You are so ticklish. Daddy loves to tickle you and make you laugh. 
  • You are learning to throw the ball. You pull your arm way back but haven't quite figured out that you need to let go of the ball. But you do have a pretty good grip on it. Daddy can't wait to play catch with you.

I seriously couldn't imagine life without you. I look back at the past 6 months and just have an overwhelming feeling of thankfulness. Thankfulness that I get to be this sweet boy's mommy. Thankfulness that after a scary time of being in the NICU, Nathan is a very healthy boy. Parenthood is not easy but so rewarding. Alex and I talk everyday of how God has truly blessed us with such a wonderful, easy baby.

Nathan, daddy and I pray for you daily. We pray first and foremost that you will one day know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and that you will live your life for His glory. You are so precious to us. We look forward to the next 6 months and so many, many more! We love you!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

An Arkansas Christmas

We left my parents house the Saturday after Christmas and drove the 5 hours home. We got home sometime that night and immediately started laundry and re-packed our bags. We went to church the next morning and then left straight for Arkansas. It is about a 12 hour drive from San Antonio to Jonesboro but with feeding Nathan every 3 hours it takes a bit longer. :) We spent the night in Texarkana, TX then headed on up to Jonesboro early the next day.

Once again, Nathan is one blessed kid to have a family that loves him so much. We had a great time with everyone. We can't wait to go back to Granddad and Grandmother's house!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Texas Christmas

We headed to Big Spring to spend Christmas with my family. We surprised my family and arrived a day early. We spent Christmas with my parents, sister, brother-in-law, nephew, grandparents and great-grandmother. Needless to say, we had a house full! Oh, and 2 dogs! We had a great time.  Nathan received so many wonderful gifts. Thankful to have a family who loves our little guy as much as we do. I apologize but the rest of this post will be a picture overload.

The best picture we could get with 2 kids.

All of the gifts.

Our little family 
(My great-grandmother made my stocking and my mom made Alex's and Nathan's)

Christmas morning

Nathan with his toys from Santa

Philip LOVED his Elmo house shoes

Watching a video with Nonny

This picture isn't the best quality but I love how the boys are looking at each other. 
Please take notice of Philip's expression!  

 Philip must have been a good boy this year because Santa did good!

Story time with Nonny

Again not the best quality but I sure love his little expression! 

Opening gifts with daddy

 Sweet boy was very tired at this point.

Nathan's first Christmas was a success! Just can't believe it is already over. Next up, an Arkansas Christmas!