Tuesday, February 26, 2013

7 Months

I'm a few several days late on this post but better late than never!

Nathan turned 7 months on the 19th. Seriously, how can he already be 7 months?? I feel like he has grown and changed so much in the past month.

Here is what you have been up to this month:

  • You are still nursing about every 3-4 hours.
  • You now eat 2 additional meals each day. 
  • You eat peaches, bananas (you love bananas!), pears, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans and peas. You also still eat cereal at night mixed with apple juice.
  • When you went for your 6 month check-up, you weighed 16 pounds and were 26 inches long. 
  • You are learning how to drink water out of a sippy cup. You weren't too sure at first but have become quite the pro at it. 
  • You are constantly grabbing for anything and everything. 
  • You finally rolled from your back to belly. 
  • Still no sign of crawling which is fine with me!
  • And still no teeth yet.
  • We can ask you where the light is and you almost always look straight at it. We also ask you where daddy and CeCe are and you always look straight at them. You are so smart!
  • You are such a laid back baby. 
  • You are always happy and smiling. 
  • I would love to say that you are sleeping through the night but you aren't. Ever since your cold, you wake up several times during the night. Mommy and daddy can't wait for the day that we get a full night's rest!
  • You are wearing 9-12 month clothing.
  • You are wearing a size 3 diaper.
  • You have the chubbiest legs which I love!
  • Your favorite word to say is da-da. You say it all day long. 
  • You love to play in your exer-saucer and play on the floor with your toys. 
  • You experienced your first Valentine's Day and got lots of goodies from the MOPS party and from your Grandparents. 
Can't believe we are only 5 months away from celebrating your 1st birthday. What a blessing you are to us. We love you!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bathroom Re-do (Before)

We are doing a facelift on our guest bathroom. We are putting in a bathtub, replacing the counter top, taking down wallpaper and painting the walls. The men are here today putting in the bath then will be coming back to replace the counter top (we still have to purchase a new one). Then once everything is in we will take down the wallpaper and paint.

So here are the before pictures in all it's glory!

Check back in the next few days (or weeks) for updates on how the bathroom is coming! I can't wait to see the finished product!

If anyone wants to come help me tear down wallpaper and paint, then just let me know! :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013


We've been trying to teach Nathan how to clap. Anytime he does something that is "clap worthy" we yell "Yay!" and clap our hands. Then we are always singing "If You're Happy and You Know It".

Well we've been noticing for the past few days that he is trying to clap. He keeps his right hand still and will only move his left. He cracks me up because he does that all day long! But anytime I try to get him to clap with me, he just looks at me like I'm an idiot! Silly boy.

Gosh, I sure love this boy. It's so funny how excited Alex and I get when Nathan learns something new.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Catch Up

Life has been quite hectic since my last post.

Nathan had his first cold. Poor baby has been just miserable with a stuffy, runny nose. He ran a fever for a days but thankfully that didn't last long.

We have spent a lot of time at home for the past few weeks. He is doing much better but still dealing with a runny nose.

In the midst of his nasty cold, Nathan has decided to pull-up on his own! He was sitting in our laundry basket and just pulled himself on up. Then he was sitting on the living room floor and pulled up on our coffee table.

I just love watching this little boy learn new things!