Tuesday, June 25, 2013

11 Months

I don't even want to talk about it.

Wanna know why I'm so late writing this blog post? Because I refuse to accept the fact that we are now less than month away from my tiny, sweet, baby boy turning 1.

Again, I don't want to talk about it.

Nonetheless, I need to write this post so my OCD won't kick in from skipping a month. So here goes nothing...

Nathan, this is what you have been up to this month:

  • You still wear 9-12 month clothing
  • You still wear a size 3 diaper but sometimes a 4
  • I'm guessing you weigh around 20 pounds
  • You eat all table food and you eat like a man!
  • You wear a size 2 shoe...you have tiny feet
  • You take 24 oz of formula each day
  • You love to share your food. We can ask to have a bite and you are always willing to give us one. You also love to share your food with CeCe especially your vegetables.
  • You sleep about 12 hours every night...usually go to bed around 7
  • You take about a 2-3 hour nap each day
  • You are so busy and crawl everywhere
  • You can walk holding our hands or holding on to something but refuse to walk on your own (I think if your feet would grow some then you would have better balance!)
  • Your favorite thing to do is throw any and every ball or as you say "ba-ba-ba"
  • You still love to say "igh" and point to every light you see
  • You know where your head and eyes are
  • You are able to sign the words "more", "please" and "all done"
  • You don't like to sit still. You are constantly on the move.
  • You LOVE to climb the stairs. We have to block the stairs at all times.
  • You have figured out how to open the pocket door leading to the kitchen. I no longer can keep you contained to the living room.
  • You still love to play with CeCe. You walk and crawl all over her. You love playing ball and rope with her.
  • You love watching Mickey Mouse and Baby Einstein. For some reason, you do NOT like Veggie Tales. You cry every time I put it on.

Nathan, you are the sweetest little boy. Your daddy and I don't deserve you but I'm so glad the Lord saw fit to bless us with you. You are truly a joy.

We love you sweet boy!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Eat. Sleep. Play Ball.

We have a sign hanging above Nathan's crib that reads "Eat. Sleep. Play Ball." This pretty much sums up our time in Jonesboro and life as a Beasley. But it was so much fun!

We arrived in Jonesboro Friday evening. As soon as we rolled into town, myself, Alex and Alex's dad traveled to Memphis to attend a Memphis Redbird game while Grandmother kept Nathan at home. Let me just say, I wish everyone had the opportunity to attend a baseball game with the Beasley men.

Here is the father/son duo looking at baseball cards WHILE watching the baseball game! If you haven't noticed, they are some die hard baseball fans. I can't wait for Nathan to get a little older so he and Alex can talk baseball.

Saturday morning we all headed to Springfield, MO, which was about a 5 hour drive, to attend a Springfield Cardinal game.

Nathan loved having Grandmother keep him company during the drive. We arrived and checked into our hotel then went straight to the mall to get new Cardinal shirts to wear to the game!

My boys were so excited about the game!

Nathan even got his first autograph! The player's name is James Ramsey. He was such a nice guy. He is a Christian and writes different bible verses on the baseball cards when signing his autograph.

Nathan did awesome at his first ball game! He loved looking at all the people and lights and listening to the music. I know Nathan will love baseball as much as his daddy and Granddad...I don't think he has much choice!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Arkansas Vacation Pt. 1

Several weeks ago, we headed up to Jonesboro, AR to spend a few days with Alex's parents. We had such a good time! Nathan experienced a lot of "firsts" this trip! He got to ride on an airplane, go to his first baseball game and get his first haircut.

Bear with me, because I took a lot of pictures! It will probably take a few posts to get everything in.

We left on a Thursday morning and drove to Frisco, TX to spend the night with Alex's sister and her family. Nathan loved getting to play with his cousins, Mabry and Clark! And mommy and daddy enjoyed getting to spend time with the adults!

Clark and Nathan are only about 6 months apart. I know these 2 are going to be best friends!

We got up Friday morning and flew to Little Rock. This was Nathan's first plane ride. I wasn't too nervous because it was only an hour flight and Alex was with me. Nathan did awesome! We had a bottle ready for him at take-off and he finished it when we landed. And he watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the middle!

And I did not even plan for him to wear that shirt with the airplane on it! I didn't even notice until we were on the plane. Guess it was just a sixth sense type thing. :)

Up next, Nathan's first baseball game!