Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I'm not one to say much about the upcoming election but the Lord has really been tugging at my heart about a few issues. So bear with me as I'm not an eloquent writer.

Let me starting off by saying that politics frustrate me. The hatred that goes along with politics irritate me. What politics does to people make me sick. People place their hope in politicians thinking they can change the world and have the right answers. Christians think that a Republican president will do the trick and fix this perverse nation. Believers tend to think that the world is falling apart because we have a Democrat president in office.

Don't get me wrong, I call myself a Republican. Do I think it is important to vote? Of course! We have a duty to stand up for what we think is right. Do I agree with Obama? No, but aren't we called to pray for our President and our leaders? (Romans 13)

Let me just say that we worship an almighty, all-powerful God. My hope is placed in Jesus Christ not this government. He is able to do far more than we could ever imagine. I know my God is in control whether there is a Republican president in office or a Democrat.

I think it's great that Christians push for a Republican president to be in office but what frustrates me is when we forget that in the end our God will have his way. Christians, if Obama is elected again then don't get upset! The world is not coming to an end! That should only cause you to pray for him that much more!

I love living in America, and I am thankful for the freedom that we have. But America is not God's country. America is corrupt just like any other country. Maybe, just maybe, God is trying to get our attention. Churches, this is the time to not criticize our President but to set an example by praying for this country and our leadership! Pray for our nation that God will move in a mighty way. Pray that Christians will have an urgency to spread the Good News throughout our country. Because it is ONLY through Jesus Christ that we can have true freedom and eternal life. Only God can change this nation.

"Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told." Habakkuk 1:5

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said! I think it was very eloquent!! I've had a huge burden lately for the need to pray for our leaders (whether we like them or not) - And by the way Nathan is super cute! :D
